Querying Collections #

Simple Queries #

Collections can be queried over HTTP using the query string.

This example will return all the posts with an author "Joe":

GET /posts?author=Joe   

Advanced Queries #

When querying a Collection, you can use special commands to create a more advanced query.

Deployd supports all of MongoDB's conditional operators; only the common operators and Deployd's custom commands are documented here.

When using an advanced query in REST, you must pass JSON as the query string, for example:

GET /posts?{"likes": {"$gt": 10}}

If you are using dpd.js, this will be handled automatically.

Comparison ($gt, $lt, $gte, $lte) #

Compares a Number property to a given value.

  • $gt - Greater than
  • $lt - Less than
  • $gte - Greater than or equal to
  • $lte - Less than or equal to

    // Finds all posts with more than 10 likes
        likes: {$gt: 10}

$ne (Not Equal) #

The $ne command lets you choose a value to exclude.

// Get all posts except those posted by Bob
    author: {$ne: "Bob"}

$in #

The $in command allows you to specify an array of possible matches.

// Get articles in the "food", "business", and "technology" categories
    category: {$in: ["food", "business", "technology"]}

$regex #

The $regex command allows you to specify a regular expression to match a string property.

You can also use the $options command to specify regular expression flags.

// Get usernames that might be email addresses (x@y.z)
    "username": {$regex: "[a-z0-9\-]+@[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z0-9\-]+", $options: 'i' }

Query commands #

Query commands apply to the entire query, not just a single property.

$fields #

The $fields command allows you to include or exclude properties from your results.

    // Exclude the "email" property
        $fields: {email: 0}
    // Only include the "title" property
        $fields: {title: 1}

$or #

The $or command allows you to specify multiple queries for an object to match in an array.

// Get all public posts and all posts by a specified user (even if those are private)
    $or: [{
      isPublic: true
    }, {
      creator: "Bob"

$sort #

The $sort command allows you to order your results by the value of a property. The value can be 1 for ascending sort (lowest first; A-Z, 0-10) or -1 for descending (highest first; Z-A, 10-0)

// Sort posts by likes, descending
    $sort: {likes: -1}

$limit #

The $limit command allows you to limit the amount of objects that are returned from a query. This is commonly used for paging, along with $skip.

// Return the top 10 scores
    $sort: {score: -1},
    $limit: 10

$skip #

The $skip command allows you to exclude a given number of the first objects returned from a query. This is commonly used for paging, along with $limit.

// Return the third page of posts, with 10 posts per page
    $skip: 20,
    $limit: 10

$limitRecursion #

The $limitRecursion command allows you to override the default recursive limits in Deployd. This is useful when you want to query a very deeply nested structure of data. Otherwise you can still query nested structures, but Deployd will stop the recursion after 2 levels. See the Collection Relationships guide for more info.
