Server #

Deployd's Server extends node's http.Server. A Server is created with an options object that tells Deployd what port to serve on and which database to connect to.

The Server object is also the main entry point for modules. After it is started, the Server instance is available at process.server.

Class: Server #

Servers are created when calling the Deployd exported function.

var deployd = require('deployd')
  , options = {port: 3000}
  , server = deployd(options);
  • options {Object}

    • port {Number} - the port to listen on
    • db {Object} - the database to connect to
    • db.connectionString {String} - The URI of the mongoDB using standard Connection String. If db.connectionString is set, the other db options are ignored.
    • port {Number} - the port of the database server
    • host {String} - the ip or domain of the database server
    • name {String} - the name of the database
    • credentials {Object} - credentials for the server
      • username {String}
      • password {String}
    • env {String} - the environment to run in.

Note: If options.env is "development", the dashboard will not require authentication and configuration will not be cached. Make sure to change this to "production" or something similar when deploying.

Server.listen([port], [host]) #

Load any configuration and start listening for incoming connections.

var dpd = require('deployd')
  , server = dpd()

dpd.on('listening', function() {
  console.log(server.options.port); // 2403

Server.createStore(namespace) #

Create a new Store for persisting data using the database info that was passed to the server when it was created.

// Create a new server
var server = new Server({port: 3000, db: {host: 'localhost', port: 27015, name: 'my-db'}});

// Attach a store to the server
var todos = server.createStore('todos');

// Use the store to CRUD data
todos.insert({name: 'go to the store', done: true}, ...); // see `Store` for more info

Server.sockets #

The sockets Manager object (view source).

Server.sessions #

The server's SessionStore.

Server.router #

The server's Router.

Server.resources #

An Array of the server's Resource instances. These are built from the config and type loaders.

deployd.attach #

deployd.attach can attach Server Class functions into a regular http server. It also provide handleRequest function to act as express middleware.

var deployd = require('deployd')
  , options = {}
  , server = require('http').createServer(app)
  , server = deployd.attach(server, options);
  • options {Object}

    • socketIo {Object} - instance
    • db {Object} - the database to connect to
    • port {Number} - the port of the database server
    • host {String} - the ip or domain of the database server
    • name {String} - the name of the database
    • credentials {Object} - credentials for the server
      • username {String}
      • password {String}
    • env {String} - the environment to run in.

Note: If options.env is "development", the dashboard will not require authentication and configuration will not be cached. Make sure to change this to "production" or something similar when deploying.
