Event Scripts #

A Script provides a mechanism to run JavaScript source in a sandbox. A Script is executed with a Context and a domain object using the node vm module. Each Script runs independently. They do not share global scope or state with other scripts or modules.

Async Mode #

Scripts can be run in an async mode. This mode is triggered when a Script is run(ctx, domain, fn) with a callback (fn). When run in this mode a Script will try scrub all functions in the domain for operations that require a callback. If a callback is required, the function is re-written to count the callbacks completion and notify the script. When all pending callbacks are complete the script is considered finished.

Async Errors #

If a script is run with a callback (in async mode), any error will emit an internal error event. This will stop the execution of the script and pass the error to the script's callback.

Class: Script #

var Script = require('deployd/lib/script');
var script = new Script('hello()', 'hello.js');

A Script's source is compiled when its constructor is called. It can be run() many times with independent Contexts and domains.

script.run(ctx, domain, [fn]) #

  • ctx {Context}

A Context with a session, query, req and res.

  • domain {Object}

An Object containing functions to be injected into the Scripts sandbox. This will override any existing functions or objects in the Scripts sandbox / global scope.

This example domain provides a log function to a script.

var script = new Script('log("hello world")');
var context = {};
var domain = {};
var msg;

domain.log = function(str) {
  console.log(msg = str);

script.run(ctx, domain, function(err) {
  console.log(msg); // 'hello world'
  • fn(err) optional

If a callback is provided the script will be run in async mode. The callback will receive any error even if the error occurs asynchronously. Otherwise it will be called without any arguments when the script is finished executing (see: async mode).

var s = new Script('setTimeout(function() { throw "test err" }, 22)');

// give the script access to setTimeout
var domain = {setTimeout: setTimeout};

s.run({}, domain, function (e) {
  console.log(e); // test err

Script.load(path, fn) #

  • path {String}

  • fn(err, script)

Load a new script at the given file path. Runs the callback with an error if one occurred, or a new Script loaded from the contents of the file.

Default Domain #

Scripts are executed with a default sandbox and set of domain functions. These are functions that every Script usually needs, and are available to every Script. These can be overridden by passing a value such as {cancel: ...} in a domain. See Event API for Custom Resources for documentation on this default domain.
