Creating User Collections #

User Collection #

A User Collection extends a Collection, adding the functionality needed to authenticate users with your app. You can create one by choosing "User Collection" when adding a Resource.

Properties #

User Collections can have the same properties as a Collection, with two additional non-removable properties:

  • username - The user's identifier; must be unique.
  • password - An encrypted password. It can never be retrieved from the database, only queried against.

In addition to the above constraints, these two properties can only be modified by:

  • A session authenticated as that user
  • An internal request, such as a call from an event.
  • A root request

Authenticating Users #

A User Collection can be accessed in the same ways as a Collection, both with dpd.js and HTTP. It also adds new methods to the API for authentication.

The examples below use a User Collection called /users with the following schema:

  • id
  • username
  • password
  • string displayName

Logging in #

Log in a user with their username and password. If successful, the browser will save a secure cookie for their session. This request responds with the session details:

  "id": "s0446b993caaad577a..." //Session id
  "path": "/users" // The path of the User Collection - useful if you have different types of users.
  "uid": "ec54ad870eaca95f" //The id of the user

If the username or password is incorrect, Deployd will respond with a generic error:

  "status": 401,
  "message: "bad credentials"

For security reasons, users should not be informed which of their credentials (username, password, or both) were incorrect.

dpd.js #

To authenticate a user, use the .login(credentials, fn) function, including the username and password properties in the request body.

  username: "johnsmith",
  password: "password"
}, function(result, error) {
  // Do something

You can also use the .exec('login', credentials, fn) function. This is useful if you have accessed the collection by using dpd() as a function and the login() function is unavailable.

dpd('users').exec('login', {
  username: "johnsmith",
  password: "password"
}, function(result, error) {
  // Do something


To authenticate a user, send a POST request to /login with username and password properties in the request body.

POST /users/login
  "username": "johnsmith",
  "password": "password"

Logging out #

Logging out will remove the session cookie on the browser and destroy the current session. It does not return a result.

dpd.js #

To log out a user, use the .logout(fn) function.

dpd.users.logout(function(result, error) {
  // Do something

result will always be null.

You can also use the .exec('logout', fn) function. This is useful if you have accessed the collection by using dpd() as a function and the logout() function is unavailable.

dpd('users').exec('logout', function(result, error) {
  // Do something


To log out a user, send a POST request to /logout. Include the sid cookie to identify your session.

POST /users/logout
Cookie: sid=6009c5b070d834a2d336224a93...

The response body will always be empty unless there was an error.

Getting the current user #

This will return the current user.

  "id": "2975ff2778493818",
  "username": "johnsmith",
  "displayName": "John Smith"

If there is no current user, it will not return a value.

dpd.js #

To get the current user, use the .me(fn) function., error) {
  // Do something

If there is no current user, result will be null.

You can also use the .get('me', fn) function. This is useful if you have accessed the collection by using dpd() as a function and the me() function is unavailable.

dpd('users').get('me', function(result, error) {
  // Do something


To get the current user, send a GET request to /me. Include the sid cookie to identify your session.

GET /users/me 
Cookie: sid=6009c5b070d834a2d336224a93...

If there is no current user, the response body will be blank:

204 No Content

Working with Sessions #

Background #

Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, a mechanism is required to tie independent requests and connections to a single remote session. In Deployd, sessions are maintained by signing each request with a session id. Currently the only mechanism for signing requests is HTTP cookies.

If a request does not contain a sid cookie with an existing session id, a session will be created and set as a cookie on the response.

Sockets #

WebSocket connections are identified and attached to sessions by the cookies sent during the upgrade request of a websocket.


As of v0.6 the sessions API is very limited. In upcoming versions the API will include the following:

  • create sessions from modules
  • get sockets by session or user id
  • store arbitrary info on sessions
  • query sessions
  • remote session api
  • query sessions by machine ip
  • emit to sessions

Microblogging app #

This app demonstrates how to create a microblogging app (similar to Twitter) using User Collections. It also demonstrates how to use dpd.js with AngularJS on the front-end.

The app supports registering, logging in, making posts, and mentioning other users in posts with their @username.

Download View Source

Useful files #



Simple Login Form #

This app demonstrates how to use the "login", "logout", and "me" functions on a User Collection.

Download View Source

Useful files #

Accessing Users in Events with "me" #

In any Collection Event, the me object refers to the current user. You can use this to secure your app and protect your users. This page lists a few examples of how to use the me object effectively.

Keeping track of an object's creator #

// On Post /todo-lists
cancelUnless(me, "You must be logged in to create a todo list", 401);

this.creatorId =;

Securing an object #

You can ensure that only the creator of an object can update it:

// On Put /todos
if (!(me && === this.creatorId)) {
  cancel("This is not your todo", 401);

Checking for roles #

If you store an array of roles on your User Collection, you can use that to verify that the current user can perform an action:

// On POST /blog-posts
if (!(me && me.roles.indexOf("author") !== -1)) {
  cancel("You must be an author to create a blog post", 401);

Awarding the user points #

In a gamification setup, you might want to award the user some points for creating an object:

// On POST /answers
if (me) {
  dpd.users.put(, {
    points: {$inc: 1}
  }, function() {});

// On PUT /users
// External APIs should not be able to edit the point value
if (!internal) {
