Using Deployd as an Express middleware #

Deployd can be used with express/connect. Deployd will attach functions and handler to express server object.

Installing #

For an app in your current directory:

npm install deployd express

Hello World #

Here is a simple hello world using Deployd as an express middleware.

// hello-server-attach.js
var PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
var ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';

// setup http + express +
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var server = require('http').createServer(app);
var io = require('').listen(server, {'log level': 0});

// setup deployd
require('deployd').attach(server, {
    socketIo: io,  // if not provided, attach will create one for you.
    env: ENV,
    db: {host:'localhost', port:27017, name:'test-app'}

// After attach, express can use server.handleRequest as middleware

// start server

Run this like any other express server.

node hello-server-attach.js

Server Options #

  • db {Object} - the database to connect to
    • db.connectionString {String} - The URI of the mongoDB using standard Connection String. If db.connectionString is set, the other db options are ignored.
    • db.port {Number} - the port of the database server
    • {String} - the ip or domain of the database server
    • {String} - the name of the database
    • db.credentials {Object} - credentials for db
    • db.credentials.username {String}
    • db.credentials.password {String}
  • env {String} - the environment to run in.
  • socketIo {Object} - instance.

Note: If options.env is "development", the dashboard will not require authentication and configuration will not be cached. Make sure to change this to "production" or something similar when deploying.

Caveats #

  • Deployd mounts its server on process.server. This means you can only run one Deployd server in a process.
  • Deployd loads resources from the process.cwd. Add this to ensure you are in the right directory: process.chdir(__dirname).
  • In order to access the /dashboard without a key you must run Deployd with the env option set to development.
