Email Resource #

This custom resource type allows you to send an email to your users.

The Email resource is built on the Nodemailer module for Node.js; much of the documentation on this page is taken from their README.

Installation #

In your app's root directory, type npm install dpd-email into the command line or download from source. This should create a dpd-email directory in your app's node_modules directory.

See Installing Modules for details.

Configuration #

Before using the email resource, you must go to its Dashboard page and configure it.

These settings are required:

  • host: The hostname of your SMTP provider.
  • port: The port number of your SMTP provider. Defaults to 25; 587 is also common.
  • ssl: If checked, use SSL to communicate with your SMTP provider. Unneeded for port 587; as it will automatically upgrade to a secure connection.
  • username: The SMTP username for your app.
  • password: The SMTP username for your app.

These settings are optional:

  • defaultFromAddress: A "from" email address to provide by default. If this is not provided, you will need to provide this address in every request.
  • internalOnly: If checked, only allow internal requests (such as those from events) to send emails. Recommended for security.
  • productionOnly: If checked, attempting to send an email in the development environment will simply print it to the Deployd console.

Usage #

To send an email, call, callback) (replacing email with your resource name). The options argument is an object:

  • from: The email address of the sender. Required if defaultFromAddress is not configured. All e-mail addresses can be plain ( or formatted (Sender Name <>)
  • to: Comma separated list of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear on the To: field
  • cc: Comma separated list of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear on the Cc: field
  • bcc: Comma separated list of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear on the Bcc: field
  • subject: The subject of the e-mail.
  • text: The plaintext version of the message
  • html: The HTML version of the message

Example Usage #

// On POST /users{
  from: "", 
  subject: "MyApp registration",
  text: this.username + ",\n\n" +
        "Thank you for registering for MyApp!"
}, function() {});


Other docs in "Official"