Event Resource #

This custom resource type allows you to write an event that will run when the resource's route receives a GET or POST request.

Installation #

In your app's root directory, type npm install dpd-event into the command line or download the source. This should create a dpd-event directory in your app's node_modules directory.

See Installing Modules for details.

Usage #

The On POST event will be executed when the resource's route (or a subroute) receives a POST request, and likewise with the On GET event.

It is strongly recommended that you reserve the On GET event for operations that return a value, but don't have any side effects of modifying the database or performing some other operation.

If your resource is called /add-follower, you can trigger its POST event from dpd.js:

dpd.addfollower.post('320d6151a9aad8ce', {userId: '6d75e75d9bd9b8a6'}, function(result, error) {
  // Do something

And over HTTP:

POST /add-follower/320d6151a9aad8ce
Content-Type: application/json
  "userId": "6d75e75d9bd9b8a6"

Event API #

In addition to the generic custom resource event API, the following functions and variables are available while scripting the Event resource:

setResult(result) #

Sets the response body. The result argument can be a string or an object.

// On GET /top-score
dpd.scores.get({$limit: 1, $sort: {score: -1}, function(result) {

url #

The URL of the request, without the resource's base URL. If the resource is called /add-follower and receives a request at /add-follower/320d6151a9aad8ce, the url value will be /320d6151a9aad8ce.

// On GET /statistics
// Get the top score
if (url === '/top-score') {
  dpd.scores.get({$limit: 1, $sort: {score: -1}, function(result) {

parts #

An array of the parts of the url, separated by /. If the resource is called /add-follower and receives a request at /add-follower/320d6151a9aad8ce/6d75e75d9bd9b8a6, the parts value will be ['320d6151a9aad8ce', '6d75e75d9bd9b8a6'].

// On POST /add-score
// Give the specified user (/add-score/:userId) 5 points
var userId = parts[0];
if (!userId) cancel("You must provide a user");

dpd.users.put({id: userId}, {score: {$inc: 5}}, function(result, err) {
  if (err) cancel(err);

query #

The query string object.

// On GET /sum
// Return the sum of the a and b properties (/sum?a=5&b=1)

setResult(query.a + query.b);

body #

The body of the request.

// On POST /sum
// Return the sum of the a and b properties {a: 5, b: 1}

setResult(body.a + body.b);


Other docs in "Official"